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  • Travel Australia

    Vast, diverse and enticing, multicultural Australia revels in a Pacific Rim location that drenches it in sunshine and an affable charisma.

    Sydney boasts the finest natural harbour in the world, comprising sandstone headlands, white sandy beaches and endless surf. Melbourne'sVictorian grace and easygoing charm belies a dynamic city that hosts the nation's premier sporting and cultural events. Brisbane, the river city, is gateway to the tropical northeast, Adelaide is an impossibly well laid-out city oozing grandeur, while Perth is young, brash and alluring.

    Australia may be an island, but it is also the world's largest one, encompassing a range of stunning landscapes, from immense, barren deserts to tropical rainforests and rugged mountains. Isolated from other continents, Australia has an abundance of unique plant and animal life recognisable by cuddly koalas, bounding kangaroos and ungainly emus.

    One of the country's greatest lures is its sense of space. A beach, patch of tropical forest or piece of sandy desert all to yourself is an easy reality. Watersports are ferociously popular, especially surfing. The hulking form of Uluru (Ayers Rock), an impossibly large rock plonked in the middle of Australia that soaks up the reds and oranges of the outback's fiery sun, is Australia's most iconic image.

    Captain Cook stumbled onto Australian shores in 1770 to find an Aboriginal way of life that went back some 40,000 years. By 1868, Britain had sent more than 160,000 convicts to Australia.

    Experiencing the culture of Australia's indigenous population is one of the great highlights of a visit. Many tensions still exist between mainstream Australia and its indigenous people. The first European settlers treated the Aboriginal population with appalling brutality, which gave way to racist and cruel policies from subsequent administrations. However, the slow march towards reconciliation was given a boost in 2007 with the new government's promise of a formal apology.
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Fredericvogler's Avatar
      Fredericvogler -
      While they can fun and playful, they can pig-headed (Pun intended), and sensitive. Still, judging from what we saw during our RV travels, more than just a handful of trips that have skin belid pigs.If you are planning a trip, you probably already spend time comparing the cost of the plan
    1. carlanstar's Avatar
      carlanstar -
      There's no good way to put it. Our pets love us unconditionally, and rely on us to take better care of them we may. Private lesson, described below, is why I put so much emphasis on animal safety during travel.
    1. oaklandyellowcab's Avatar
      oaklandyellowcab -
      Australia has broken the binds of its Anglo meat-and-two-vet culinary past, serving up a multicultural fusion of European techniques and fresh Pacific-rim ingredients
    1. Samsonov's Avatar
      Samsonov -
      What IreadI really liked it.Thank you foryour information!
    1. smokdarecki's Avatar
      smokdarecki -
      Hi, Its always great to read an article about country, never have been to. Anyone have been to Melbourne? Have heard about big aquarium there and wonder, whether its worth seeing, when I will be there?
      Captain Cook should stay in Australia forever Cheers!
    1. Sandy34's Avatar
      Sandy34 -
      Wow! Pic is awesome. I really love your post very much. Your way of writing is superb. I completely speechless
    1. jaybond's Avatar
      jaybond -
      It’s also nice blog... your writing skill is also very attractive.
    1. saralee123's Avatar
      saralee123 -
      I am very glad reading your article because I like Australia. Going to Australia is my dream from my childhood. And one day I surely will go to Australia.
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